Although this is a commercial site called "," it does contain two stories online free-of-charge designed to help children understand pet-loss and the grieving process.

The Rainbow Bridge - For Michael
Jack is gone and Timothy is grieving over his death. Timothy's uncle, a firefighter, reminisces about his dog Sheba, the pup who was his friend for better than twenty years, as he explains to Timothy about a place of warmth and love, a place called The Rainbow Bridge. A particularly comforting tale for
a child or an adult who's lost a friend or a pet.

Suggested Age Group: All ages
Reading time - Approximately 7 minutes.

Hensley The Cat - Things happen.
A beloved pet suddenly fails to appear at mealtime. You post signs and hope against hope that he's simply lost his way. Sadly, it's not to be. This poignant little verse, jointly authored by a child and her mother, offers a soothing balm for the most troubled of little hearts.

Reading time: Under two minutes
Suggested Age Group: For any age (geared towards younger children)

i truly hope members of our group find them useful. {please note the administrators of this board have no affiliation whatsoever with this organization}.