If I lived in or around NY State, I know I'd be heading off to one of THESE for SURE. Dawn Hayman has been doing ACing work (and more) for over 20 years and is also one of the co-founders of Spring Farm CARES, a sanctuary/adoption center for all manner of abandoned creatures and the world’s first PUBLIC CENTER FOR ANIMAL COMMUNICATION, in upstate NY. Dawn has "done over 15,000 consultations and had conversations with over 30,000 animals both alive and in spirit. Through the course of these conversations, these amazing beings, many master teachers in their own right, have shared with Dawn much knowledge and wisdom of the ages. They have asked her to join with them on their mission of opening the human heart."

What I've been talking about here for the last while is ALSO connected to Dawn's work, and others like her, and can be encapsulated very nicely with this (fr. her website):

As one amazing dog explained to Dawn: “When mankind shifted from a heart based understanding to one of mental knowledge and acuity, the focus shifted from love to fear. Love does not conquer the minds of men nor beasts. Love lives within the heart. But fear conquers all logic and blocks all access to the heart. As fear began to become deeply entrenched into the human psyche, love began to recede and be redefined. Love was no longer of the heart and evidenced by feelings, but instead became almost a legend of prose and lyric. The peace and stillness of the heart was then replaced by the business and control of the mind. The darkness of the mind befell mankind and entrenched itself in solid form. The very trees and rocks of the earth went deep within their own hearts and contained their knowledge in seeds within, knowing one day that the light would return for the seeds to sprout and grow once again. That time has come. Those with the knowledge are being asked to step up now to deliver their light and to realign the knowledge with the knowledge within the Earth herself.”

In her Awakening the Heart workshops, Dawn goes beyond the "how-tos" of ACing and deeper into what I think could be likened to Gregg Braden's (and others') work, such as the work of The Insti tute of Heartmath, where working through our HEARTS finds the purest and deepest place of our communion with all life. She is now marrying the works of what others are telling us about the science behind our interconnectivity with the All-That-Is and the reawakening of your heart, the heart of mankind, and the healing of the Earth. Dawn's website can be found here and you can also view about an 8 min. clip, taken from her website, of one of these workshops below: