WARNING!! - Very graphic, actual scenes of violence towards animals.

I got this FWD email yesterday, and was very torn about whether to post this or not, as I'd seen ALL of these videos myself, separately, over a year ago, and so know full well just how graphic and distressing they are - an understatement, to say the least! And as horrid as it is, believe me, they've even left out some of the very worst parts, which I'd watched in their much longer, more gruesome entirety. But I always also think it's a matter of the vital importance of bringing forward the full truth of what's really going on, involving animals in the world, in order that we can all work towards CHANGING things for the animals (and therefore for us, too). Whenever I see anything like this, I also always think well, if someone else was courageous enough to actually go and shoot such footage in order to end up HELPING animals, why should I be less than courageous to view what they, themselves, had to witness first-hand? And so I often grit my teeth and watch, so I'll know for sure what's really been documented & I can then speak from certainty and knowledge. By doing so, I've come to the conclusion that OUR choice of ignorance is definitely not the poor ANIMALS' bliss!!

As Heather Mills says here, "...it's OUR responsibility to know how it's made," since it's the western world markets that primarily buy these crueler-than-cruel products.

This video is based on a collaborative, year-long investigation and expose that apparently was even published in China's "Beijing News", the truth was so shocking to the publishers. (that spells a little bit of hope to me) So with due warning, please don't watch this if you're not feeling strong enough. Another option, however, is to click on the link, let the video start, then just listen to Heather's commentary w/o watching it. (you could do this easily by opening up the link in a "new tab" and click back to this one instead while it's playing)

The link to PETA's and Heather Mills' video is here.

And please remember, too, that many of these fur products are not required to be labeled properly when imported by our countries, so as one of my previous topics had warned, "Your Faux Fur may not be "faux"!" and may indeed still have come from one of these severely tortured, unnamed animals.