FES has a new line of combination flower essences under their "Flourish" line, one of which is targeted specifically for animals and the situations they may find themselves in. Here is their rundown on its uses, followed by the link to this new product, from where you can also get to the other sections of their website. If you're unfamiliar with flower essences, this one rundown also will give you a good idea of just how flower essences work and what kinds of things they address.

Proprietary combination essences are different from the usual custom blends you might mix yourself, and so can contain more than the customarily suggested "only-up-to-5" separate essences. They are normally treated as ONE essence, and FES's combo. blends can be used to 'break through' any stubborn, long-standing blocks an individual might have that can stop separate FEs from working as well as they ought to. They are also very useful when you just don't have the time or resources to do a custom blend yourself. When using these types of blends, one shouldn't add any more individual FEs to the treatment plan until you've stopped giving the proprietary blend or blends.


"I am so impressed with your Animal Rescue Formula. All 13 kitties in my house finally are at peace and can show “no fear” around one another. My horses are less uptight & spooky. Thank you so much for creating this wonderful healing helper from Nature." …
— A. Eiermann, North San Juan, CA

Primary Indications:

* For any abandoned animal, whether feral or residing in a relief shelter

* Any animal being adopted into a new home, or being given a new guardian or caretaker

* For loss of the primary caretaker due to death, divorce or changes in the family system

* During any time of significant travel or re-location to a new home or living space

* For any animal with a prior history of physical abuse, torture or abandonment

* For performance or work animals who are ex*ploited, or valued only for monetary worth or reproduction value

* During times of prolonged illness, or extensive surgery; can be used in tandem or alternation with Magenta Self-Healer

* For any time of pronounced stress in the animal – such as the prolonged absence of the primary caretaker or environmental disruption due to any natural disaster. Can be used in alternation or in tandem with Post-Trauma Stabilizer

The Animal Rescue Formula was originally developed by FES-certified pract*itioner and animal communicator, Teresa Wagner.

The Animal Rescue Formula (ARF) features:

Arnica – Recovery from shock and trauma – embodiment and integration of energy bodies with the physical body following disruption and disassociation

Bleeding Heart – To help heal abandonment and separation; to facilitate new bonding and connection following displacement

Echinacea – To restore wholeness and dignity by rejuvenating the core immune system and sense of ident*ity

Fireweed – Recovery of vital forces following devastation, trauma, and injury

Five-Flower Formula – Fundamental composite formula developed by Dr. Bach to provide relief in all rescue and recovery situations

Holly – To encourage and restore basic loving impulses, bonding and connection; to facilitate heart-based relationships based upon trust

Mariposa Lily – To provide mothering comfort and nurturing forces for abandoned or abused animals; to restore mothering instincts to female animals

Oregon Grape – To restore trust when violent, abusive or degrading circu*mstances have created defensive barriers

Poison Oak – To restore capacity to be touched and natural vulnerability; to heal boundary or skin issues due to hyper-defensiveness and prior trauma

Red Clover – To help calm the heart and blood matrix; to ease anxiety or tendency to panic

Sweet Pea – To instill new bonding and territorial instincts following displacement and abandonment

Wild Rose – To bring new joy for life and will to live despite prior ­challenging circu*mstances

Text by Patricia Kaminski

Please see their webpage here, to order &/or view the rest of their site:
Animal Rescue Formula, by F.E.S.
Also see the specific webpage on their new "Flourish" line of flower essence combinations:
F.E.S. "Flourish" flower essence line