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Pet Lovers

My Content
9 Feb 2013
My vet told me to put my male cat Severus on a quarter of a baby aspirin every 3 days to prevent blood clots.
He was diagnosed with a heart murmur but the X-ray and ultrasound for his heart and blood tests for his thyroid and kidneys all came back fine.
I'm worried about hurting his kidneys with the aspirin but now I'm also concerned about him developing a blood clot.
I'm asking for advice. Has anyone successfully had a cat on aspirin for a heart murmur? Should I even give it to Severus?
1 Aug 2011
I want to thank everyone for your kind words. You really helped me feel better about loosing Petunia.
Of course I still miss her, I expected her to die of old age not pass away at 8 years old.
Since some have expressed an interest in how Petunia came to live with me I've decided to
post her story.

I believe it was in 2003 when my roommate and best friend and I found Petunia. My roommate noticed her being tossed around by some young boys and decided that we were taking her in.
Of course I agreed, but I wanted to make sure nobody saw us take the kitten, in case she belonged to one of the boys. Though, I consider my animals family, they are property and I was afraid we’d get into trouble for stealing.
We went into the back yard where Petunia had taken refuge from the boys, and I scooped her up into a jacket I had brought along with me and we hurried back inside. Originally Petunia was my friends cat, she was the one who named her Petunia. Inspired by the Harry Potter character but named after the flower instead.

My friend originally thought Petunia might be the runt of the litter, though she did grow to be the size of my other female cat Patchabie. We nicknamed her Nubbin, which means imperfect ear of corn. That’s what farmers call tiny corn and the nickname just stuck. It took a while, but Petunia learned to tolerate my other cats, Severus and Sam, though she hissed at Severus during their first meeting. She also learned to tolerate Patchabie when we took her in sometime later. (I’ve had a lot of strays in my time). We considered trying to find her another home, but our vet at the time convinced us to keep her. We noticed she had a habit of trying to nurse off of our shirts, usually on an arm while she was lying on our lap. Our vet said perhaps she had been weaned too soon.

She never really outgrew this, and would do it when she felt comfortable on my lap. After the death of my friend, due to her heart problem in 2004, I decided to keep Petunia. I had an offer from someone who went to college with my friend, who would have taken Petunia off my hands, but she was a nervous cat and only trusted my friend and I. I couldn't’ give her to anyone else knowing she’d be terrified. She moved 4 times with me and even survived a fire in one of my apartments, luckily all my animals survived that. One of the funniest memories of Petunia was when my friend and I put up a Christmas tree for the first time we were living together. My friend was searching everywhere for Petunia and asked if I’d seen her. Just then I noticed this little face peeking out from the branches of the tree.

She loved to curl up inside boxes and bags. Her favorite toy to play with, if she could snag one out of the package, was a q tip. She also had a fetish for chewing on fingernail files and buffers, after I’d used them. She liked the taste of my nails, and would actually go through my bag to find a nail file I’d recently used.

Petunia discovered on her own, how to drink from the faucets and would demand drinks from either the tub or the sink in the bathroom. Usually following me into the bathroom and hopping into the tub to wait for me to turn on the water. If I was in the tub, she’d go to the sink. Petunia would vibrate the base of her tail and squinch up her eyes as a greeting to me. She was also my computer buddy, choosing to nap on top of the monitor while it was on. Sometimes she’d dangle a paw in front of the screen that I’d have to move.

She would cry at my bedroom door, to get my attention, while I was on the computer in the livingroom. She’d be looking over her shoulder waiting for me to call her over for attention. I could get her to sit up on her back legs by wiggling my fingers over her head. She also enjoyed sleeping underneath her cat beds. Petunia would cry at my door when I went to bed, she wanted me to stay up with her.
I never got angry at her, because she usually settled down after I got up and went to the door once.
She was a lot of company, and the apartment is quiet without her here. Even with my other cats Severus Patchabie and my new kitten Daisy. No cat will ever be quite like Petunia.
29 Jul 2011

On the 17Th of May, 2011, I brought my cat Petunia in to have her teeth cleaned, at the vets.
She ended up having two teeth pulled and was placed on Amoxi Drops and Metacam for pain.
I was not given any written directions from my veterinarian about the metacam.
However it did come with a client information sheet that I neglected to look at because I believed it to just be directions on how much medicine to give her, which I'd already been told. Besides I trusted my vet and didn't think any medications could be harmful to Petunia unless I purposely overdosed her.
The Metacam box only said to give so much for pain. It never said when to stop. I thought I was supposed to give my cat Petunia the Metacam for as long as it said to give the Amoxi Drops which said, till gone.
Saturday the 4Th of June, I called the vets to let them know Petunia wasn't eating much and was very sluggish. They told me "well she is middle aged".
I was told to take her off the medication and bring her in Monday if she wasn't better.
I wanted so badly to believe she was just suffering symptoms of the metacam, it can make animals tired and not eat.
I didn't tell the vets she had been off her medication for a few days believing she would be fine till Monday.
After rushing her to the vets Monday, they drew her blood and said she had renal failure. I was told I was only supposed to have kept Petunia on the Metacam for 5 days.
The vets admitted it was their error for not writing that down on the medication, but I have a horrible feeling that they
told me verbally and I just completely forgot. The vet said that he would put her on an IV drip to flush her kidneys, and place her on antibiotics.
He also said that he had done this with one of his own cats, and he had survived, and not to worry that he could "bring her out of it".
On Tuesday the 7Th, my mother called the vets first thing in the morning to see how Petunia was doing, and to see if it was okay to go and visit her.
She was placed on hold, only to have a technician come online to say "sorry, but your cat didn't survive the night, and that they were very sorry, but if it was any consolation they had kittens to adopt. They also sent me a generic sympathy card.
They said they had had a cat on metacam for 14 years without any problems before they heard it could make cats sick, and that this had never happened to them before. I wish they had stressed to me that this could potentially kill my cat.
I have unbelievable guilt that I'm not sure I can get over. Originally I was going to chose a pill medication but switched it to liquid to hopefully make it easier for Petunia to swallow. If I had stuck with the pill she would be fine, and would have gotten something else besides metacam.
I was also giving it to her in her mouth and letting her eat instead of mixing it with food. I didn't want my other cats to eat her medication.
Later I heard that putting metacam into the mouth of a small dog could cause renal failure.
Looking back she had symptoms of being sick that I didn't recognize for what they were. She was acting tired, but I thought she was just resting as my cats like to sleep a lot. I saw her urinate and it struck me that it might be more than the normal amount for her, but again I wasn't sure.
I didn't always see her use the litter box and I have another cat that urinates heavily at times and he is fine. I thought the symptoms of kidney problems were that cats couldn't go, but that's not true as I found out later. She also felt lighter but she was 13 pounds and I had been told that she should loose weight so I believed that it wasn't that bad. She was eating a little and drinking, but it turns out she was badly dehydrated from her kidney problem.
I believed she'd survive this because she was playing and even eating a little bit. I'd also had a cat previously that lived for quite a while with kidney problems. He was near 20 when he had to be put to sleep, Petunia was only 8.
I feel like it's my fault she died even though people are telling me it isn't, and that if I had gotten her to the vets earlier she would have made it.
I feel guilty that she died all alone in the vets office at night when she was terrified to even go to the vets.
She only trusted me, and would hide under her cat bed when ever anyone else came over. I was supposed to protect her and I let her down badly.
I really miss her and love her and feel like the worst person ever for causing her pain. I just wish I could see her again one last time to tell her that I'm sorry.
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