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> My Precious Noah
Tom's Dad
post Jun 17 2013, 07:15 PM
Post #121

Group: Pet Lovers
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From: Louisville KY
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Welcome back moon_beam!

Sorry to hear about your storm related difficulties ohmy.gif , but SO glad you and Noah are safe and OK.

Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
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Gretta's Mom
post Jun 29 2013, 07:22 PM
Post #122

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Hello Moon Beam

I was just wandering around here on LS and came across your story of baby Moah and his close call with the twisted intestine. I am SO happy, with the others, that things turned out all right in the end. Things like that are so thoroughly terrifying when they are happening. And, yes, we KNOW in our heads what is going on and what to do, but the HEART is a totally different matter. All the heart can think of is breaking because of possibly being separated from the one we love most in this world.

MoonBeam, you have given so much to so many. I am honored to be among those helped by you and in the throng of people who love you and Mr Noah.

Gretta and Rufus's mom
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post Jun 30 2013, 03:59 PM
Post #123

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Hi, Gretta's and Rufus' Mom, thank you so much for sharing with me the journey of my precious Noah during his medical crisis last September, and the blessing of God's Perfect Healing for him so that he can continue to share his sweet physical presence with me - - for however long that may be. I am so thankful for the blessing of this wonderful forum and each of the many people I am privileged to know as friends.

Thank you, Gretta's and Rufus' Mom, for the blessing of your friendship, and for your thoughts and prayers on behalf of my precious Noah and me.

Peace and blessings,

In heaven's perfect garden there is no grief or pain, and all of God's creation join the angels' sweet refrain.

The most blessed way I have of knowing God's comforting love and grace is to look into the eyes and heart of God's creatures' sweet angelic face.
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post Sep 25 2013, 10:45 AM
Post #124

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My dear friends, it has been exactly one year this date, 9/25, that my precious Noah underwent emergency surgery for what turned out to be a twisted intestine. I am happy to share with you that he is doing very well - - and I am so very thankful to our Heavenly Father Creator for restoring my precious Noah's health so that we can continue sharing our earthly journey together. And I am also very grateful for each of you - - for your support, encouragement, and comfort during a very frightening time as I waited for the call from the veterinary office informing me of his status. Each moment of every day is a blessing with him.

I just wanted to share this day with you - - and to once again thank each of you for your cherished friendship.

Peace and blessings,

In heaven's perfect garden there is no grief or pain, and all of God's creation join the angels' sweet refrain.

The most blessed way I have of knowing God's comforting love and grace is to look into the eyes and heart of God's creatures' sweet angelic face.
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post Sep 25 2013, 06:37 PM
Post #125

Group: Pet Lovers
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Dear moon_beam, thank you for sharing this with us. I am glad things turned out alright for little Noah and that he is still with you. I hope you have many more happy years with your sweet, precious kitty boy! smile.gif

Danny: March 4, 2001 - December 28, 2011
Tina: October 27, 1997 - April 28, 2012

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.
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Tom's Dad
post Sep 26 2013, 12:29 PM
Post #126

Group: Pet Lovers
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From: Louisville KY
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Hello moon_beam.

My goodness where has the time gone? I still remember seeing that post and feeling my stomach drop fearing the worst. I too am glad that you have been gifted with many more years with your precious Noah on your and his earthly journey together.

I hope today is being kind to you both and that you have a wonderful day and evening. TTFN


Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
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post Sep 26 2013, 12:37 PM
Post #127

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Hi, DannysMom and Tracy, thank you so much for sharing with us this milestone event for my precious Noah and me. There has been a part of me that has been holding my breath through this past year very concerned that "something" could happen from his surgery that would result in another emergency situation. My precious Noah is 10 years old now, and I am no spring chicken, - - so I know our time together is becoming even more precious with every day of every year.

I thank you both again so much for sharing this "anniversary" with us, and for the blessing of your cherished friendships.

Peace and blessings,

In heaven's perfect garden there is no grief or pain, and all of God's creation join the angels' sweet refrain.

The most blessed way I have of knowing God's comforting love and grace is to look into the eyes and heart of God's creatures' sweet angelic face.
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Pippin's Mom Kel
post Sep 29 2013, 04:53 PM
Post #128

Group: Pet Lovers
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moon_beam, I can't believe it's been a year since Noah's surgery! I'm so glad he continues to do well.


When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart, and you shall see that, in truth, you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
- Kahlil Gibran
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post Sep 30 2013, 10:04 AM
Post #129

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Hi, Kel, thank you so much for joining my precious Noah and me in commemorating our one year "recovery" anniversary. I know there will come a time when I will need to make the most painful decision to release him from his physical body - - but I am ever so thankful for every moment of every hour of every day we have together NOW.

And I thank you so much, Kel, for the blessing of your cherished friendship.

Peace and blessings,

In heaven's perfect garden there is no grief or pain, and all of God's creation join the angels' sweet refrain.

The most blessed way I have of knowing God's comforting love and grace is to look into the eyes and heart of God's creatures' sweet angelic face.
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+Quote Post
post Aug 27 2015, 02:52 PM
Post #130

Group: Pet Lovers
Posts: 209
Joined: 24-July 14
Member No.: 8,373

hi moon_beam,

how is noah doing? this may appear as completely out of nowhere and random. in all the support you have shown me lately from my losing madelynne and your mention of your own furred companions, i visited your profile thinking perhaps you would have blogged about them. and that is how i landed on your story of noah.

do you have any others?

i do hope this finds everyone at your home doing well.


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post Aug 28 2015, 11:54 AM
Post #131

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Hi, Monique, thank you so much for sharing my precious Noah's experience with me. I am so blessed to share with you that he is doing very well. Since his surgery he has required a daily dose of Miralax to help keep his solid waste emission system flowing properly - - this was recommended by his veterinary care provider as he was experiencing constipation issues which could have developed into a serious condition called Megacolon.

In November 2013 he was diagnosed with diabetes. The medical team on his case at that time changed his food to a low glucose maintenance forumla in addition to insulin injections twice a day. Within days of his diagnosis he experienced a life threatening hypoglycemia event which required him to be hospitalized at the Emergency Hospital overnight and then transferred to his regular medical team the next day. The ER physicians were very astute as to what was happening with him, and recommended to his regular medical team to either keep him on his regular food with insulin injections or keep him on the low glucose maintenance food without the insulin. I am very happy to say that he is doing very well on the low glucose maintenance food - - no insulin injections required. He is back with his original primary care physician for which I am very thankful (she had changed veterinary practices when he was diagnosed with diabetes) - - she has opened her own practice now, and he is flourishing under her care.

Noah is my sole surviving companion in a household that used to have four fur family members including Noah. My beloved number one kitty son Eli joined the angels on December 11, 2006, due to end stage Lymphoma. He was 6 years and 7 months old. My beloved Black Lab Oslo joined the angels on November 29, 2009, two weeks after his 15 th birthday. He had multiple health challenges that were being managed, but it was a sudden stroke that mandated assistance with his transition journey from this earthly realm. My beloved beautiful baby girl Abbygayle - - Noah's sibling sister - - was diagnosed with end stage Fibrosarcoma in July 2009. After 9 months of valiantly overcoming the course of the cancer, the cancer finally took its toll. On March 15, 2010, her primary veterinary care provider and I eased her journey home to the angels. She was 6 years and 10 months old. Needless to say, my precious Noah's heart was totally shattered with losing each of his fur family members. I tried introducing a kitten to him who he could mentor and have fun with - - but he totally rejected the kitten and was not happy with me for bringing the kitten into the house. So the kitten was returned to the veterinary hospital and was adopted by another loving family whose other companion animals welcomed him into their home. My precious Noah was letting me know he needed my undivided attention, and that is fine with me. Because of my senior age, physical challenges, and limited finances now that I am retired, my precious Noah will be my last companion fur child. So every moment I have with him is precious to me.

Thank you again so much for sharing my precious Noah with me, Monique. I hope today is treating you and your precious companions kindly.

Peace and blessings,

In heaven's perfect garden there is no grief or pain, and all of God's creation join the angels' sweet refrain.

The most blessed way I have of knowing God's comforting love and grace is to look into the eyes and heart of God's creatures' sweet angelic face.
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post Nov 10 2017, 02:45 AM
Post #132

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From: Virginia
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It is 2:45 a.m. and have just gotten home from the emergency vet hospital about 45 minutes drive from here. Earlier this evening my precious Noah began vomitting and could not stop throughout the evening, so after his last upset tummy around 9:45 p.m. I decided it was time to take him to the emergency hospital. It was obvious he was in distress - - it was obvious this wasn't your average tummy upset. His appetite throughout the day hadn't been normal either - - which is unlike him.

As you read through my previous posts you will see he is a diabetic, but not on insulin - - he has been managed with low glucose maintenance food. It is isn't his diabetes that is a problem. Blood tests show his red blood cell count is very high and his white blood cell count is extremely low - - very extremely low. Xrays were taken which basically shows no obvious abnormalities with the possible exception of a bulge in a section around the right side of his heart. This is yet undetermined if it is something clincial or perhaps a shadow on the Xray. The doctor feels there is a cancer at work - - leaning heavily toward a leukemia. He is receiving IV fluids which hopefully will keep his blood from clotting due to dehydration, and he will receive other treatments such as antibiotics to try to "jump start" his immune system. He is critical - - just from his current state he could go into cardiac arrest at any time - - so I have put a DNR on his chart.

I am asking those who read this new post to please keep my precious boy in your thoughts and prayers. His current ER doctor will be calling me later this morning - - around 6 am or therabouts - - before she leaves her shift with an update on his status. She has already spoken with his regular veterinary care provider letting her know my precious boy is in critical care.

I will keep you informed as to what is happening as soon as I can.

Peace and blessings,

In heaven's perfect garden there is no grief or pain, and all of God's creation join the angels' sweet refrain.

The most blessed way I have of knowing God's comforting love and grace is to look into the eyes and heart of God's creatures' sweet angelic face.
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post Nov 10 2017, 08:41 AM
Post #133

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Oh my goodness, moon_beam !! I just read this and am PRAYING that you received some sort of hopeful news when the ER doc called you. I am sending intense, heartfelt prayers toward you and Noah, starting now.

(An odd coincidence. I almost posted yesterday in this Pet Disease and Sickness Support section about my boy, Sunny. Not to hijack your thread but I'll be brief. He's 15 1/2 and has had borderline kidney disease for 6 years. A week ago he began drinking and urinating more and he's become slightly wobbly on his feet. Blood tests tomorrow.)

Prayers for both of our precious boys. wub.gif I realize Noah's case is critical right now. Can hardly wait to hear from you next. I can just imagine how you must be doing!! sad.gif


QUOTE (moon_beam @ Nov 10 2017, 02:45 AM) *
It is 2:45 a.m. and have just gotten home from the emergency vet hospital about 45 minutes drive from here. Earlier this evening my precious Noah began vomitting and could not stop throughout the evening, so after his last upset tummy around 9:45 p.m. I decided it was time to take him to the emergency hospital. It was obvious he was in distress - - it was obvious this wasn't your average tummy upset. His appetite throughout the day hadn't been normal either - - which is unlike him.

As you read through my previous posts you will see he is a diabetic, but not on insulin - - he has been managed with low glucose maintenance food. It is isn't his diabetes that is a problem. Blood tests show his red blood cell count is very high and his white blood cell count is extremely low - - very extremely low. Xrays were taken which basically shows no obvious abnormalities with the possible exception of a bulge in a section around the right side of his heart. This is yet undetermined if it is something clincial or perhaps a shadow on the Xray. The doctor feels there is a cancer at work - - leaning heavily toward a leukemia. He is receiving IV fluids which hopefully will keep his blood from clotting due to dehydration, and he will receive other treatments such as antibiotics to try to "jump start" his immune system. He is critical - - just from his current state he could go into cardiac arrest at any time - - so I have put a DNR on his chart.

I am asking those who read this new post to please keep my precious boy in your thoughts and prayers. His current ER doctor will be calling me later this morning - - around 6 am or therabouts - - before she leaves her shift with an update on his status. She has already spoken with his regular veterinary care provider letting her know my precious boy is in critical care.

I will keep you informed as to what is happening as soon as I can.

Peace and blessings,

Compassion for all animals. www.earthlings.com
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post Nov 10 2017, 05:43 PM
Post #134

Group: Pet Lovers
Posts: 1,193
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From: Kentucky
Member No.: 7,071

Oh moon_beam, I am crying as I write this. i am so sorry your little precious Noah is so sick. I will say prayers for him and you too. I hope you get some encouraging news. Love you both.


LittleGirl"sMommy, I am so sorry about your little boy Sunny. I will say prayers for him too. God Bless.


"Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."
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Tom's Dad
post Nov 10 2017, 06:40 PM
Post #135

Group: Pet Lovers
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From: Louisville KY
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Oh moon_beam. I am so very saddened by this news sad.gif Tang and I are praying for both of you. I am even asking Angels Theresa and Tom to pull for your precious boy. Please keep us posted. We are all pulling for you both here {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}

TT and TT

Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
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+Quote Post
post Nov 10 2017, 06:52 PM
Post #136

Forum Moderator

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From: Virginia
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Hi, Kathy, LoveMyMickey, and Tracy. Thank you so much for your most comforting support and thoughts and prayers for my precious Noah and me. I received a call around 6:30 this morning from the admitting ER doctor that my precious boy made it through the night. I visited him around 1 p.m.. New blood tests had been taken which shows an improvement in both his white and red blood cell counts. However he is very weak and not a happy boy, and there is still no indication as to why he is so ill. If he continues to show improvement in his blood work by tomorrow's testing, the ER doctor who is taking care of him today is thinking about releasing him home tomorrow. A specialist who does ultrasounds for the ER hospital will be in the office on Monday and hopefully he will be scheduled to have one to try to get a better "picture" of what is going on with him internally that may lead to a better diagnosis. I failed to mention in my earlier post that his body temperature upon admission was 87 - - which is very low. This afternoon his body temperature is 97 - - which is better but still low. They have a warming light in his crate.

Kathy, I'm so sorry about your precious Sunny and hope the blood tests will be promising in your precious boy's diagnosis. Please let us know how he's doing. Both your precious Sunny and you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Once again, Kathy, LoveMyMickey, and Tracy, thank you so much for your most welcome comforting support and encouragement. I hope today is treating you and your precious companions kindly.

Peace and blessings,

In heaven's perfect garden there is no grief or pain, and all of God's creation join the angels' sweet refrain.

The most blessed way I have of knowing God's comforting love and grace is to look into the eyes and heart of God's creatures' sweet angelic face.
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Tom's Dad
post Nov 10 2017, 07:39 PM
Post #137

Group: Pet Lovers
Posts: 4,059
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From: Louisville KY
Member No.: 6,946

Hi moon_beam.

I'm glad to hear Noah is showing signs of improvement. We are keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers.

Nature's first green is gold
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf's a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.
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