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Casper i hope u know how much i miss u and i hope u kno i will always love u and ill neva forget u babygirl
this is the hardest thing i eva had to go thru to live life witout u
nd i hope u kno just how much joy u bought in my life
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35 years old
Location Unknown
Born Feb-7-1989
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1 Apr 2013
My ten year old pug has now been blind for two weeks now, the vet told us that he basically turned blind over night and there was nothing we could do to help him not get blind. Now idk how to help him. He doesnt bark anymore, he spends his day sleeping and just staring at the wall. He doesnt care if he eats nd when he does we have to spoon feed him or put the food right to his mouth so he can eat it. He wont drink water we have to put some on his mouth then stick the bowl in his face.

i want to know how can i make it easier for him
the vet said his senses would kick in but it doesnt seem like it did
9 Jan 2013
Casper its been a year babygirl and i still miss u like crazy. I dont think i ever say goodbye to u and honestly i dont want to and never will. You were and always will be my bestfriend, i was always able to talk to you and you were the only friend i had that didnt tell me to shut up or walk away from me all u did was purr and want attention. You were so close to being 16 years old, y couldnt u make it to 16, y couldnt u last just a few more years? I always thought whenever i move out this house i would be able to take you with me but i guess u had different plans. I always hoped to get a sign from u letting me know u r ok letting me know u r somewhere watching over me but i never got a sign. You were the best callico cat a human can ever ask for.Its 2013 and ur not here with me.I still cant believe a year has passed without you. I still look in my draw hoping i would c u sleeping on my clothes. Or i go brush my teeth hoping i would c u in the sink meowing at me cuz u have to move.To the world you were just an animal just an cat but to me you were my world and ever since u left this earth a place in my heart is broken and never will b repaired because that was your spot babygirl. I hope Grandpa and Nanny is taking care of u, just know noone loved u as much as i did and im sorry there was nothing i could do to save you im sorry there was nothing i could do to keep u on this earth with me longer. I still remember the day the window was open and u decided to take a stroll out the window nd jump on top the air conditioner, i was so worried u were gonna fall but all we had to do was call your name and u came back in so fast ever since then we knew not to leave the windows open wide with a crazy cat like u. Just know babygirl im here missing u and thinking about u everyday and today makes it even harder,life really just sucks without u, i lived most of my life with u now im living it without u and it just isnt the same. I love u babygirl so much ill never b able to find a pet that will fill the void u left me with and honestly i dont want to that spot will always b for u and i hope u know that. Im here talking about u like u were a person. It just really sucks not having u meow at my door when u wanted to c me or sit in the sink waiting for u to come home nd jump on my bed and meow at my face when i was sleeping because you wanted out of my room i guess its nice to have the good memories of u but it would b better if u were here to make more with me. I guess as the years go on it aint gonna b easy but i didnt expect it to b the day i lost u will always b in my head because it was the day i lost my bestfriend.
2 Jan 2013
On Saturday jan 9 it will b a year since i lost my calico cat Casper,she was almost 16 years old.I had her more then almost half my life i was 22 when she had passed and her since i was 6 years old. Last year jan 9 2012 i had to make the decision to put her to sleep because over night she developed a blood clot in her back legs that paralyzed her back legs nd tail, the vet said even if he tried to treat her she prolly wouldnt have made it thru the day and he said she was in alot of pain but i didnt realize how much i loved her until she wasnt here anymore. My world crashed on jan 9 losing her. Even close to a year i still miss her. She will always be my babygirl. In a store called build-a-bear they got a new stuff animal in and it was a calico cat so i went there thinking i can get it and it wont bother me but i got to the store saw that animal and had a break down, this might sound crazy but it looked so much like her and had the same color eyes i couldnt do it, it just reminded me of how hurt i am still by the loss of her. Its crazy how much of an impact an animal can have on ur life but she really was my bestfriend. Idk how much i believe in religion and god after god took her away from me but i would like to believe that she is in a better place not in pain. I love her to death always will but sometimes im just sick of crying i feel like i cant think of a good memory of her without crying and crying over her is not the way i want to remember her. Ever since she left i focused on life because everytime i had a moment to myself i cried thinking about the pain im in losing her. My life is going pretty good but would b better if she was still here wit me to share it. Yea people say she was just an animal but she was my animal and she was my bestfriend.

"I never knew I could hurt like this
And everyday life goes on like
"I wish I could talk to you for awhile"
Miss you but I try not to cry
As time goes by
And it's true that you've reached a better place
Still I'd give the world to see your face
And I'm right here next to you
But it's like you're gone too soon
Now the hardest thing to do is say bye bye"

-Mariah Carey "bye,bye"

I must of listened to this song everyday a million times because i feel like this is the only song that can express how i feel. I hope wherever she is now she knows how much im dying inside now without her and how much i will always love her.
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12 Sep 2012
So sunday the 9th made 8th months since i had to make the decision to put my bestfriend down. And honestly im feeling horrible right now cuz i didnt even remember sunday was the 9th till i looked at the date now. It makes me think im forgetting her but yet i know i never will. I guess its just really a hard time and it makes me think im over the shock of losing her and i dont know weither to take that as a good thing or a bad thing. I know Casper will always b my bestfriend and i will always have a place in my heart for her but i feel so bad for forgetting and decided to come on here to write about it because people on here are the only ones that understand. If anyone dont know my story I lost my Casper a callico cat Janurary 9th. She was almost 16 years old, yea in cat years she was old but in my time i had her most my life i lost her when i was 22 and i feel like my world is gone and honestly still feel like that. I still wish i can look down and see she sleeping on the floor by my bed sometimes i do look down thinking shes still there being her normal self. It just sucks to know i cant touch her and pet her anymore. she was my love and shes not here anymore so sometimes it makes me think y even love anything anymore cuz its just gonna leave. I still wish there was something more i coulda done for her. Babygirl just know i love u and i hope ur mad at me for forgetting that day and being sad for u. I will always love and miss u baby.
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20 Jul 2012
Casper was 15, 2 months shy of being 16
She was put down Jan 9,2012 its now 6 months since she hasnt been here wit me
I got her when i was 6 and lost her when i was 22 Losing her was the worst thing i ever had to go thru
I remember the day like it was yesterday i actually had to go to class and we realized she couldnt walk and didnt eat or anything so my mother was gonna take her to the vet witout me so i can go to class but i had a gut feeling it wouldnt b good and if my mother made that decision to put her down witout me i woulda been more lost then i am now the last thing i remember is the vet telling me puttin her down was the only thing there was to do for her and i knew she was in so much pain
I just wish she could give me sum sort of sign to let me kno that shes ok and let me kno that shes ok wit me living on wit my life witout her
Its just not the same now witout her
I feel like a huge part of my life is missing
yea i still got the memories like when i wanted to brush my teeth i wouldnt b able to cuz she would b sitting in the sink looking at me like do u really need me to get up
it just sucks not seeing her in the sink anymore
She was my bestfriend and now she was taken from me i feel like noone understands and noone ever will
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