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Pet Lovers

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28 May 2013
I just wanted to pay tribute to my dad's cat Lennon who passed away on Saturday at he age of 14/15 very suddenly.

He was a very special cat. He was brought up in our family and spoilt rotten by my mum and he was quite a selfish cat to start with as he pushed his sister away to another household. But then 4 years ago my mum and dad split up and Lennon was left in the house with my dad.....who has never been a true cat lover. He met Chewy when we had to live there for a bit and Chewy helped bring out his playful side and change him into a different cat. My dad then moved......Lennon was used to playing in fields and now he had a communal garden but amazingly he took to it so well just sitting on the bench in the garden and then spending most of the time in with my dad. He helped my dad through the divorce......was his friend......and made my dad for the first time ever love a cat. He really was a special cat and he will be missed by us all especially my dad. I wish I had known this was your last week and then when I came round the weekend before quickly I would have found you in your hiding place and given you one last stroke. RIP Lennon. I hope you have met Chewy and Danny and Tina and all the other special cats up there.


11 Jan 2013
This is where I am moving Chewy's journey too as I would like him to be remembered for all the great things he did as he was such a special cat.

Everyday he still continues to help me on my journey from where he is. He gave me the love inside me that I have for these little creatures that has allowed me to adopt other cats and look after them. Without him I would probably never have done something like that.

I even adopted a fish yesterday as my friend was neglecting it. I would never have even thought of getting a fish but because it was being neglected I felt a pull to help it.

He truly was a special boy. And even though a year has gone by he is still very much in my heart.

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16 Mar 2012
I started talki about Ellie in my topic about my baby Chewy but I decided here was the best place to carry on taking about our new little life as Chewy deserved his own topic whe I could talk to him through this place sometimes.

For those of you that dont know my baby Chewy was cruelly taken from me on January 3rd 2012 after a dog attacked him the day before. He taught me so much about love and well devastation was and still isn't a strong enou word to describe how I feel over losing him. I never planned on getting another cat....I have 2 11 month old kittens that we rescued from a ditch last June and the thought if replacing my baby boy just made me cry. But I kept looking at cat sanitary websites as for some reason they made me feel better....I can't understand why but I did. I came across one site where there was this 10 month old kitten called Ellie. She looked like my Chewy except obviously she was female. She had been a stray pregnant kitten (pregnant at such a young age!) and I felt sorry for her and her description was that all the carers loved her and she was a playful happy cat considering what she had been through....and it said she was special.

I didn't think anything of it as I didn't want another cat....bu something kept pulling me back to that site and after a month all ther other cats had been adopted and she hadn't.....I said to myself forget about it but a few weeks later she was still there so I said I would give it until my birthday week....by my birthday she was still there so I told my fiancé we had to go see her as I feel like I should....so we went there two days before my birthday on the 3rd of March....she was lovely and I knew I couldn't leave her....and then to my amazement they put her birthday down as the 5th of march.....the same as mine! Then I knew it must have been a sign right?

She didn't like my kittens too much t start with so we set her up in the spare room.

DannysMom and moon_beam thank you for your advice. I did as you said and every evening we allow them all to play in the sitting room as there is more space to escape and it is not Ellies territory (the kittens are quite laid back when it comes to territory) and it seems to be working. They still have a little squabble but the progress now is they are quite happy to walk past each other and leave each other alone so am thinking if we keep doing this over the next few weeks hopefully they will start tomproperly like each other?

13 Jan 2012
Hi everyone

I have been reading the forum topics on here for about a week now as I have been trying to find advice on how to cope with my loss and I think the time is right now to tell my story.

My cat was called Chewy. We got him when he was a kitten as the family that had his sister couldn't cope with them both so I couldn't resist his cute mischievous looks. He moved in with me and my fiancé. Straight away we knew he was special. He used to play fetch. We would throw a toy mouse, he would run and get it and then bring it back to us and drop it at our feet.

Now I'm a student and I only work part time around it so I have spent most of my time at home for the last 2 and a half years so Chewy has been my best friend cuddling up to me in the mornings, laying with my when I'm working on the laptop, laying outside with me in the summer. Everything I did, I thought about my baby boy first. For example if we were going out my first thing would be right see if I can get Chewy in or give him a stroke before I go out. When I came home from places I would just be thinking about seeing my Chewy. Even when me and my fiancé went on holiday for 2 weeks everyday I kept saying I miss my Chew Chew. EVERYTHING I did I thought of my mr Chew Chew first.

Then last year me and my fiancé found out we would be moving so all year we had been looking for the perfect family house.....as we were planning on starting a family this year. Still my first thoughts when looking at houses though was will it be suitable for Chewy, what's the road like, the garden etc

Finally we view a house in august and the house and garden are perfect the only thing I was worried about was the road....even though I was not a main road. But we decided as there was a wood near by it would be fine and Chewy has always had good road sense.

December 12th comes and we move. We let him out the following Sunday after a week and he settles in well playing with next door neighbours cat. Had a fab Christmas and new years eve and day I was the happiest girl on the planet with my house and lil family and plans for the year. Then tragedy strikes.

January 2nd Chewy had spent the night on the bed with us and then my fiancé let him out at about half 8. I was doing the washing getting ready to go into town with my dad and I heard a meow, the type when two cats are watching each other. So I went outside to see what Chewy was doing and he was underneath next door neighbours car with the other cat. I saw a tiny bit of blood and assumed they had had a lil fight. I brought him out from underneath the car and noticed something was badly wrong. Took him inside and he tried to drag his backside to the kitchen. But gave up and just laid there. I got my fiancé home and we rushed him to the emergency vets. He had ben attacked. His tail was fractured and they weren't sure about how his toilet abilities would be like. We left him there thinking he would be fine. They mentioned amputating his tail but I didn't care as long as he survived. Then the next morning we had to transfer him to our local vets and he was meowing in the car so we thought he would be fine. The vet said it looked worse than she thought. I told her to go ahead with the tail surgery about midday knowing he might not make it. He made it but they decided the damage was to severe to his back so he wouldn't have a good quality of life. Putting him down at 3 and a half was the hardest thing I have done. All because of a dog....the one thing I never thought. Would lose my Chewy to!

And now I'm lost. I can't eat, think, socialise. I can't stop crying. I don't want to be without him. I can't imagine have a baby this year anymore. And then there's the kittens. We pulled them out of a ditch last summer, Chewy wasn't impressed to start with and now I feel like I shouldn't have given him at least his last 8 months or so without them. Baring in mi d when Chewy was in the house I always gave my heart to him first. I am now broken, my heart is broken.

I'm sorry it is so long.

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