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55 years old
Gender Not Set
Reynoldsburg, Ohio
Born Feb-13-1969
I love birds, dogs, cats, mice... OK, all animals! I like to do counted cross stitch, build and fix computers, ATTEPMT to grow flowers and bird watch.
Joined: 26-September 04
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Last Seen: 5th September 2007 - 06:20 PM
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Pet Lovers

My Content
22 May 2007
For my Quaker Parrot Oliver, whom I shared my life with from the time he was a naked little chick in a box; until March 10th, 2007 when the terrible disease PDD took him from me way too soon.... I miss you baby!

Lend Me A Bird

"I will lend to you for a while, a bird", God said. For you to love
him while he lives and to mourn for him when he is dead.

Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe for two or three. But
will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me?

He'll bring his charms to gladden you and should his stay be brief,
You'll always have his memories as solace for your grief.

I cannot promise that he will stay, since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught below I want this bird to learn.

I've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true.
And from the folks that crowd life's land, I have chosen you.

Now will you give him all your love; nor think the labor vain;
Nor hate me when I come to take my lovely bird again?

I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, thy will be done,
for all the joys this bird will bring, the risk of grief we'll run."

Will you shelter him with tenderness?
Will you love him while you may?
And for the happiness you'll know forever grateful stay?

But should I call him back much sooner than you've planned;
Please brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand.

If, by your love, you've managed, my wishes to achieve,
In memory of him you've loved; be thankful; do not grieve.

Cherish every moment of your feathered charge.
He filled your home with songs of joy the time he was alive.
Let not his passing take from you those memories to enjoy.

"I will lend to you, a Bird", God said, and teach you all you have to
And when I call him back to heaven, you will know he loved you too.

(Author Unknown)
10 Aug 2006
In November of '05 I went into the local Petland and fell in love... again! This time it was a bird, a ##atoo that I named Maggie. For the "older" of us on here... remember the bird from the show Baretta? Maggie is the same breed, a Triton. From the moment I brought him home, I knew there was SOMETHING wrong with him, just not what it was. I took him to an excellent avian only vet and $1500.00 later I was given a "diagnosis"... PDD. I won't go into what it is here... to read more about this horrible disease, check out Dr. Ritchie's PDD Website Chances are great that Maggie will have to be euthanized as a young bird, he just made his first birthday last month. When I have to make that decision, it will likely kill me but I will. I never thought it possible to love anything or anyone as much as I did Dexter but Maggie flapped his wings right into that empty hole in my heart, left by Dexter. There isn't a day that I don't think about my Dekkie-Boy but now it is with a smile and a laugh, only occasionally a tear. With the two year anniversary coming up, I have been crying more than usual but Maggie sure keeps me busy! Here is the most beautiful bird in the world!
10 Aug 2006
This is my boy Scrappy, my sister gave him to me about 9 months after Dexter was killed. At first I resisted his advances into my heart... but who can resist this face for long?!? We've been together a little over a year now and while his personality is NOTHING like my Dexter's, I have learned to love him for who he is.
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10 Aug 2006
I can't believe it's been almost two years since Dexter was murdered! A week from today... it doesn't seem possible! For the new people who don't know the story, my sweet dog Dexter was murdered with rat poison by a man who's daughter was bitten by him. The child had teased my boy his entire life and he finally got revenge on her. When I refused to euthanize him for biting her, the girl's father took it upon himself to get rid of him. To add insult to injury, State Farm (my homeowner's insurance) settled the claim at the beginning of this year... they put $25,000 in an account for the child when she's 25 AND it draws interest each year until then. It will likely be double that or more (she's only 9 now) by the time she gets it!! This was an 18lb dog and the "scar" is on the UNDERNEATH of her upper arm, above her elbow, about the size of a U.S. dime. There truly is no justice in this world... I pray there is in the next one though.
17 Aug 2005
A year and two days ago you went to sleep in my arms like you did every night and greeted me the next morning with a dopey grin and a mouthful of dog food.. slobbered on, stinky dog food that you promptly dropped into my face. A year and a day ago I put you outside before bed and unknown to me you found some hamburger in your "doggy yard." A year ago today I put you outside in the morning and wondered why you didn't run around like a loon. A year ago today I found a puddle of blood and urine in my bed with you lying in it. A year ago today I called daddy at work and told him that he had to come home and rush you to the vet. A year ago today I stood in a vets office begging her to do anything, everything to save my boy's life. A year ago today I stood quietly as the vet told me "there is nothing I can do, your baby is in much pain." A year ago today I told her "If you are sure there is nothing you can do and he is suffering, then please end it for him now" A year ago today I watched as she slid a needle into your leg and let the cool liquid flow into your veins. A year ago today I looked into your beautiful brown eyes and watched the light of your soul leave them as it began it's journey to the Rainbow Bridge. A year ago today I watched you die and felt a part of myself go with you onto that next life. A year ago today I felt my world crash in an instant. A year ago today I sadly learned the extent of the cruelty that only man is capable of. A year ago today I learned how to hate and I learned what true loss is. A year ago today Dexter, you were murdered.
A moment ago today you were here with me in my dreams and I felt you lying beside me.. I awoke to find Scrappy there instead and felt the horrible sadness and loss yet again. A moment ago today I knelt at your grave and put two roses on it, a white for the friendship you always gave me and a red for the love we felt for one another from the moment I watched you being born on that cold April morning. A moment ago today I lost you again...

I have been awake since 4am EDT, a dream of Dexter in my mind. I wanted so much to see him playing and romping through the grass.. instead I saw him as he was on the day he was taken from me. I picked his collar up and carried it to the couch, playing with his tags and realizing I can still smell him on it. I had NO idea today would be so very very hard but it is. It feels almost as if it is happening all over again.. things I had "put out" of my mind have flooded back and my heart is aching and raw. My sister's husband died on July 9th '03... I had known him since I was 8 and he was more of a brother to me than my own ever were. His death was unexpected (at only 43 and healthy) and it was so very hard to deal with. At the time he died Dexter was being neutered and I dragged myself out to bring him home... I walked into the vet's office and she told me that he had been grumpy and testy all day and had nipped at a tech, resulting in his being muzzled. She warned me to be careful, but I wasn't at all worried. The second he saw me his little tail started to thump and he lifted his head, looking for something to pick up in his mouth and "offer" to me. I removed his muzzle and he kissed me all over my face.. and I found myself smiling for the first time in the long hours since I got the call about my brother. I knew that Dexter's love and friendship would get me through David's death and I was right. Little did I know that 13 months later I would lose him and that it would hurt more than losing a human friend. I don't understand why it hurts more, it just does. More importantly, I make no apologies for my feelings..

Go quietly into that night my sweet little friend and know that you have never left my heart or mind for a moment of the last 12 months. I'll see you again someday.

This picture is of Dexter (rear) his father Peanut (front red/white) and his mother Rosie (Right black/white) on Dexter's 5th birthday in April '04.. Peanut died a month later and Dexter 4 months later.
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