I was just reading the sample chapter #1 from Dr. Bruce Lipton's groundbreaking book (in print for awhile already), "The Biology of Belief", when I came across one of those goose-bumpy, "Ah-HA!" moments that resonated with yet another thing I've known in my soul forever, but which science has begun verifying. This particular passage has ramifications and multiple levels of meaning to anyone willing to "go deep" enough, but even on a 'narrower', physical level, it herald's great news for those of us who love animals and form deep, multi-dimentional relationships with them.

I will first share what I found, then give a couple of links, to this sample chapter (pdf format) and Dr. Lipton's bio. page, so you can all see for yourself how credible the source is.

To preface this quote from his book, he is talking about how it is now known that genes actually SHARE information with each other, by a process called gene transfer. This process of gene transfer, it turns out, is not only shared among /between organisms of ONE species, but among members of DIFFERENT species and therefore, "organisms can acquire "learned" experiences from other organisms." He continues to say, "Given this sharing of genes, organisms can no longer be seen as disconnected entities;there is no wall between species. Daniel Drell, manager of the Department of Energy’s microbial genome program told Science (2001 294:1634) “we can no longer comfortably say what is a species anymore.” (Pennisi 2001)"

I sat stunned (but delightfully thrilled!) after reading this, realizing that once this truer, scientific knowledge (which, btw, squashes erroneous Darwinian theories pretty flat) becomes as recognized (read "accepted") by the mainstream (which is woefully behind already and has been for decades) and by certain species-biased religions (that might take longer!), no longer will specieism haunt us the way it has since the days of Descartes, and animals will of necessity more quickly become recognized as as much a part of us as our own species is. In fact, this science is also supportive of the whole idea that All IS One, and helps to show how, even physically (but also beyond) this can, indeed, be so. So if you struggle with such concepts, here is another piece of that puzzle, coming to fruition and awareness, and backed by science.....as I always just knew, since childhood, that it would someday. I couldn't BE more pleased!

So, even if you're not normally someone with a scientific bent or interest, I urge you to read through at least Dr. Lipton's first chapter of this particular book so you can understand this work on a deeper level. Don't worry - he's written the whole book so that laypeople can easily 'get' it. This book should be a prerequisite for all science classes today, and for those of us not in school anymore, we all owe it to ourselves to read it, too! Dr. Lipton's work changed his OWN life dramatically, and he now shares everything he's learned in order to help us ALL to change our own lives, on a quantum level.

Here is the link to the sample chapter: Biology of Belief, Chapter 1
And Dr. Bruce Lipton's Biography (from his website): About Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD.

Happy(er) reading! biggrin.gif